little + blue + designs

What is a little blue?

A little blue are the bits of happiness and creative outlets in my life, a collection of things l love and create and a place I hope you will find something to spark your love of the great wide world.
Someday soon my little blue 1951 chev pickup truck will be done and perhaps it will become the...
Further Adventures of the Little Blue Truck

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Everyone has a Geeg... right?

It is the wee small hours of the morning, a Sunday morning to be exact. A particular quirk of my character includes a few stead fast rules for Sundays. In additional to being just plan GOOD rules they also help my keep head on straight for the week. 

These rules are:

1. Sleep in. 
Sleep in as long and your body will allow you to, which as we grow older we loose that awesome skill of youth that allows you to stay in bed until 4 p.m. on a Sunday. 

2. Don't wash your hair on Sundays. 
My hair. I could have a entire blog devoted souly to that topic. As it is I will just tell you that I have curly hair and for the few that understand... washing, drying, and styling it becomes a huge undertaking. Which on a Sunday I would just as soon not spend 2 hours (and hour of which is drying it upside down) working on. 

As it stands I am breaking my rules... again... to drive to Richmond, IN. My great friend, neighbie, artist and common partner in crime, Sarah Kate is taking myself and our friend Kari to spend the day at the small towns street fair with her Grandmother more commonly referred to as "Geeg". And Geeg is really fun, all sass and spice and grandmotherly nice. 

So I will break my rules, take in the autumn while I can and take some time for friends. 


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